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[4 Jun 2010 | Comments Off on Rodríguez-López and John Frusciante – Another Free Album | 4,847 views]
Rodríguez-López and John Frusciante – Another Free Album

It seems that Omar Rodriguez-Lopez and John Frusciante have done it again.
You might recall a while back, Rodriguez-Lopez and Frusciante released an album they recorded to the public for free/anything you care to donate. Seems this wasn’t a one-off event (it’s at least a two-off now).
Sepulcros De Miel is the latest album from Frusciante and Rodriguez-Lopez (and also features Juan Alderete De La Peña and Marcel Rodriguez Lopez). It is available for download, in a variety of audio formats, right now.
As before, you can download completely free …

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[4 May 2010 | Comments Off on Omar Rodríguez-López and John Frusciante – Free Album Download | 7,441 views]
Omar Rodríguez-López and John Frusciante – Free Album Download

Omar Rodríguez-López (guitarist from The Mars Volta) and John Frusciante (erstwhile Red Hot Chili Peppers’ guitarist) have recorded an album together.
And, best of all, it’s available for free download.
That said, donations are encouraged and, while not required, it would be nice if anyone that downloaded gave a little.  All donations received will be re-donated to ‘Keep Music In Schools’.  Also, consider that any donation, however small, encourages this sort of distribution model and can’t hurt in the fight to get record companies to realise there are alternatives to nabbing as …

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[8 Feb 2010 | Comments Off on Red Hot Chili Peppers Appear With Josh Klinghoffer | 3,643 views]
Red Hot Chili Peppers Appear With Josh Klinghoffer

Still no official statement from the Chili Peppers as to Josh Klinghoffer’s role in the band replacing John Frusciante but the band has appeared in public with Klinghoffer on guitar.
At the MusicCares Person Of The Year, the RHCP played a cover of Neil Young’s A Man Needs A Maid. Footage was captured by a fan in the audience.  It’s not great footage but it’s worth a watch for all you Klinghoffer-watchers.


Chili Peppers Klinghoffer Confusion
Klinghoffer and Chili Peppers: The Plot Thickens

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[7 Jan 2010 | Comments Off on Gibson Blog Declares Klinghoffer’s RHCP Position ‘Official’ | 9,394 views]
Gibson Blog Declares Klinghoffer’s RHCP Position ‘Official’

Again with the Klinghoffer?
‘Fraid so.  I bring news.
OK.  Before going on, it should be said that there’s an excellent chance any new and unusual happening related the Klnghoffer and his place in the Chili Peppers is actually down to confirmation bias. What I mean is that it’s entirely possible that the events – in and of themselves – aren’t that unusual and, because we’re all looking for weird conspiracies, that’s what we’re finding.  With that in mind, we should all take new information with a small pinch of salt.
That said, I’m …

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[7 Jan 2010 | Comments Off on Klinghoffer And Chili Peppers: The Plot Thickens | 4,547 views]
Klinghoffer And Chili Peppers: The Plot Thickens

Ok, so I don’t want to turn this place into a Klinghoffer/Red Hot Chili Peppers talking shop (at least not exclusively) but things are getting weird with this story.
In our last story on this (Chili Peppers Klinghoffer Confusion), we mentioned the redaction and removal of information already published regarding Josh Klinghoffer’s replacement of John Frusciante in the Chili Peppers. Well, this trend seems to be continuing.
In a story that’s seeming not dissimilar to Gibson’s backtrack and disappearing of information regarding its Jimi Hendrix Strat-A-Like a few months back, it looks …

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[6 Jan 2010 | Comments Off on Quitting The Chilis: What Frusciante Says | 4,333 views]
Quitting The Chilis: What Frusciante Says

In the wake of our last couple of articles (Chili Peppers Klinghoffer Confusion and Frusciante Quits Chili Peppers), not to mention the many, many stories on the internet, I thought it might be an idea to take a moment just to look at what John Frusciante himself had to say on his leaving the Red Hot Chili Peppers.  I haven’t seen this reported as much as I assumed it would be, which doesn’t really seem fair.
A couple of weeks back, when the story was just breaking, Frusciante released the following …

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[6 Jan 2010 | Comments Off on Chili Peppers Klinghoffer Confusion | 12,578 views]
Chili Peppers Klinghoffer Confusion

In the wake of Frusciante’s departure from the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Josh Klinghoffer has been the name on everybody’s lips.  Is Klinghoffer is the man to replace Frusciante?
Ultimate Guitar published a story confirming Klinghoffer’s new role in the band and citing an article posted on stadium-arcadium.com.  The editor of Stadium-Arcadium (allegedly) wrote:
“I’ve managed to establish contact with Josh through the previous owner of Josh-Klinghoffer.net, Katrina, who has personal contact with him, and was able to get him to reply to an e-mail asking if he was in the band. …

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[15 Dec 2009 | Comments Off on Frusciante Quits Chili Peppers | 5,198 views]
Frusciante Quits Chili Peppers

MusicRadar have written regarding John Frusciante’s position as guitarist with the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
It seems, that he’s not.
A ‘source close to the band’ has said that Josh Klinghoffer has been rehearsing with the Peppers for the last couple of months and that the band is trying to find a permanent replacement for John.
The source said, “Mentally, John checked out a long time ago. He’s interested in doing his own thing, his own albums – the whole big rock band machinery just doesn’t appeal to him anymore.”
MusicRadar tell us that, …

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