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[29 Jul 2011 | Comments Off on Morrissey: Not Keen On Meat Or Common-Sense | 10,551 views]
Morrissey: Not Keen On Meat Or Common-Sense

I quite like some of Morrissey’s music. I also quite like meat—tasty, tasty meat—but I have no real problem with the fact that Morrissey isn’t keen on meat or even that Morrissey’s not too keen on people who eat meat. Despite that I’ve heard him say a few things I found annoying and stupid in the past, his views on vegitarianism don’t make him a twat.
What about stating that the recent massacre in Norway pales before the wrongs of the fast-food industry, though? Does that make him a twat?
The internet’s …

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[20 Jun 2011 | Comments Off on Gibson RD Standard Reissued | 16,953 views]
Gibson RD Standard Reissued

Here’s one to split opinions and have guitarists arguing over their beer for a while. The Big G has reintroduced the RD Standard, a guitar originally offered back in the late ’70s.
First beer-argument point: the looks. Personally, I love how this thing looks but I can definitely see how there are some that might not. Does that make me right and them wrong? Probably, but if it’s your round, I’m prepared to enter into debate.
Second beer-argument point: the specs. Gibson have released the RD Standard in typical Gibson dress. It’s …

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[24 Sep 2010 | Comments Off on Opinion: How Much For The Broken Tele? | 14,160 views]
Opinion: How Much For The Broken Tele?

Ok, so this may be just me but since I read about it a couple of weeks ago, I’ve been thinking about it and being annoyed about it pretty regularly.
Guitarist, John 5 likes Telcasters, and why wouldn’t he? He has a couple of, really quite nice, signature models with Fender and their lower-budget sibling, Squier. I like the guitars a lot and even quite like John 5 himself.
If you haven’t already seen (and you may well have as this isn’t spanking new news), John 5 is selling his signature guitars …

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[18 Jun 2010 | Comments Off on Guitar Store Blues | 8,751 views]
Guitar Store Blues

I recently read an interesting article on the Etiquette of Browsing in guitar stores (by PT over at 5th Fret) and it began to coalesce some thoughts (you might also say fears) that have been wobbling about in my mind for a while.
I want to talk about guitar stores. Before I start, I want to make it clear that I am not talking about all guitar stores as, if I think about it, I’ve probably only been in about half of the guitar stores in the world. I am certainly …

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