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Articles tagged with: Bass

Bass, Headline »

[13 Oct 2011 | Comments Off on Got A Bad Reputation | 12,221 views]
Got A Bad Reputation

I get press releases from Rotosound relatively frequently. Some of the information in those releases has found its way onto this site if I thought it might be useful to others.
This time though, I’m posting an image from this Rotosound release just because I like it.
Rotosound say they found a programme from Thin Lizzy’s Bad Reputation tour in their archives and it contained the ad above for their Jazz Bass strings. They say some other stuff about strings and other users and whatnot but I tuned out to be honest.
I …

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Competition »

[30 Sep 2011 | Comments Off on Win A Custom-Built Guitar Or Bass | 11,668 views]
Win A Custom-Built Guitar Or Bass

I hope I may be allowed a slightly self-serving post. Although, to be fair, I reckon there’s something here that might well interest all you guitar geeks.
If you’re a regular reader, you know that I run Haze Guitars here in Ireland, building custom instruments and performing repairs on pretty much anything with strings. Well, I’ve been working with Radio Nova (also in Ireland) on a fantastic competition. Next week (the first week of October), Nova will be running their Rocktober 500 Countdown competition and the ultimate winner will get a …

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Featured, How To, Workshop »

[13 Dec 2010 | Comments Off on Kill That Dead Spot | 32,378 views]
Kill That Dead Spot

There’s a funny thing that happens with some basses. It’s called the dead spot.
What’s A Dead Spot?
The dead spot is a particular note that won’t seem to ‘ring’. It won’t sustain and instead, the fundamental just dies away almost immediately. Sometimes you’ll hear some overtone-type vibrations of the note sustain very faintly but for the most part, the note is gone.
This tends to be most noticeable on one particular string and on one particular note but it can be evident (possibly to a lesser extent) a half-tone higher or lower …

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Featured, How To, Workshop »

[3 Oct 2010 | Comments Off on What To Do If You Break Your Guitar’s Neck | 65,253 views]
What To Do If You Break Your Guitar’s Neck

I’ve written a little about specific headstock repairs and it occurred to me that might be a good idea to give you an overview with some tips  and considerations on how to prevent broken necks and what to do if the worst happens.  It’s a little long but could well prove useful to know…
The worst thing in the world?
You’re finished the gig and you’re enjoying a well-earned beer at the bar. You’re careful to keep an eye on your pride and joy, propped up against your amp on stage, to …

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Featured, Guitar 101 »

[9 Jun 2010 | Comments Off on Guitar 101: Necking Part 2 – Truss Rods | 22,632 views]
Guitar 101: Necking Part 2 – Truss Rods

Continuing our Guitar 101 voyage of discovery around the guitar, we’re staying with the neck and contemplating the truss-rod.
What the hell is a truss rod anyway?
At it’s simplest, a truss rod is a device to counteract the tension of the strings. We’ll get on to looking at the different types of truss rod in a minute or two but first, lets look a little deeper into that explanation.
The strings on your guitar or bass, when tuned up to pitch, exert a lot of pressure. It’s a tall order …

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Featured, Music »

[7 Jun 2010 | Comments Off on Featured Video: John Paul Jones – Zooma | 6,075 views]
Featured Video: John Paul Jones – Zooma

John Paul Jones, as many of you may know played bass and keyboards for Led Zeppelin. This is all that many people know of him and that’s a shame.
So, for this featured video, we’ll take a look (a listen, really) at a something Jonesy has done in the more recent past. Although a bit of a multi-instrumentalist, JPJ does have a thing for the bass. This post, therefore, is a bit of a homage to our low-down bass-bretheren.
In 1999, Jones released the album, Zooma. This was an instrumental album. While …

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Featured, News »

[8 May 2010 | Comments Off on Never Go Guitarless – How To Keep In Touch | 3,103 views]
Never Go Guitarless – How To Keep In Touch

For a couple of reasons, I recently had to surgically remove the Guitarless Facebook page.  It was a long and painful operation but I’ve now successfully grafted a new page on to the side of Facebook’s torso (I considered its forehead but felt it might get too much teasing at school).  Given the changes, I thought I’d take the opportunity to let you have a round-up of the various ways and means to keep in touch with Guitarless news.
News Feed:
First and foremost is the RSS News feed.  If you’ve no …

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Featured, Software »

[7 May 2010 | Comments Off on iRig – AmpliTube for iPhone | 6,248 views]
iRig – AmpliTube for iPhone

OK, there’s no doubting that this is an interesting idea. Not just an amp in your pocket, it’s potentially a whole slew of amps, speaker cabs, microphones and stompboxes in your pocket.
That’s either a big pocket or AmpliTube’s clever new interface/app combo for iPhone.
The iRig is an external interface that plugs into the headphone socket of your iPhone.  It allows you to plug in a standard ¼ inch guitar lead and has a pass-through for your actual headphones.
You make noise on your guitar or bass, it gets processed in the …

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Bass, Competition, Featured »

[22 Jan 2010 | Comments Off on Free Stuff: Win An Epiphone Thunderbird Pro Bass | 4,801 views]
Free Stuff: Win An Epiphone Thunderbird Pro Bass

We mentioned the launch of the, rather handsome, Epiphone Thunderbird PRO bass a while back.
Did you see?  Did you want?
Well, if you did want one, now’s your chance to win one.
Just pop off to Epiphone’s competition site, pop your email address in the email address field and you might just win a T-Bird Pro.
Not too shabby.
Closing date is 31st of January, 2010.

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Amps, Featured »

[18 Jan 2010 | Comments Off on Orange Unveil New Amps | 5,936 views]
Orange Unveil New Amps

Orange have been keeping busy and have used NAMM to launch a number of new models.
First up, pictured left, is the new addition to the, very popular, Tiny Terror range.  We’ve always had a soft spot for the lunch-pail Tiny Terror.  Those of you who don’t have – or don’t want – extension cabs around the place however, can get your Tiny Terror in combo form.
This new addition to the Tiny Terror Combo range is even more tiny and comes loaded with a Celestion G10 Vintage speaker.  This unit sits …

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