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[4 Jul 2011 | Comments Off on Planet Waves SOS Tuner: LED Not Working | 8,664 views]
Planet Waves SOS Tuner: LED Not Working

I love these little Planet Waves SOS tuners. They call them SOS: Strobe On String and they work by pulsing two little LEDs at a particular frequency. You pluck a string and shine the light on it. If it’s out of tune, the pattern made by the light wobbles about. When the string is in tune, the pattern becomes stable. Easy peasy.
I’ve got a couple of these in my workshop as I frequently need to tune guitars (or even necks mounted on temporary—surrogate—bodies for refrets) with no pickups to plug …

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[7 Dec 2010 | Comments Off on Sanyo Bring The Juice – Battery Power For Your Effects | 7,908 views]
Sanyo Bring The Juice – Battery Power For Your Effects

So we all know that there’s never a 9V battery in your guitar case when you need it. Trailing sockets and extension leads do the trick but they do get in the way and there’s all those wall-warts and their associated knot of power cables to consider.
Sanyo reckon they have the answer. Pictured left* is the Pedal Juice (or KBC-9V3U Pedal Juice, to give it its catchy moniker). It’s a rechargeable, Lithium-Ion battery that provides 9V of clean, DC, power to your pedals. Neat.
Depending on use, it can supply up …

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[6 Dec 2010 | Comments Off on Lock The Rock | 5,531 views]
Lock The Rock

File under: That’s Clever, Why Has Nobody Thought Of That Before.
Check it out. This is the Rock Lock. It was designed by entrepreneur, Chris Goulet to fill what is, in hindsight, a pretty glaring market hole. Namely, something to stop that toerag from making off with your guitar while you’re having a well-earned beer at the end of the night.
As Goulet says, ‘guitar theft is typically a crime of opportunity…’ and this product helps to remove that opportunity.
The Rock Lock is a bit like a laptop lock with a clever …

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[20 Oct 2010 | Comments Off on Review: Rotosound R10 Roto Yellows | 10,369 views]
Review: Rotosound R10 Roto Yellows

It’s occurred to me that many (I’d go so far as to say most) guitarists don’t change their strings very often. Let me clarify that a little; I mean their string brands. I suspect that, like me, many people find a brand, and usually a gauge, they like and stick with it.
It’s entirely possible this might be fine. However, there’s nothing wrong with giving things a shake now and then.
Case in point:
A while ago, I received a couple of sets of Rotosound strings to review. These were the R10 …

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[15 Oct 2010 | Comments Off on Rotosound Super Bronze Acoustic Strings | 8,095 views]
Rotosound Super Bronze Acoustic Strings

Take a look at that string. Notice anything?
This is from Rotosound’s Super Bronze Acoustic String set and it’s a bit different. At least from anything we’ve seen in a while. Click on the image to embiggenate.
You see, in 1974, James How, the founder of Rotosound released an acoustic string set with a difference. Those strings, called ‘Country Golds’ at the time, had the windings start a little away from the ball-end and tie – the core of the string was exposed for a short distance. The idea was that the …

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[10 Jun 2010 | Comments Off on Prevent Neck-Heavy Guitar Headstock Diving | 52,637 views]
Prevent Neck-Heavy Guitar Headstock Diving

Hey! Look at me man! I’m standing here with my arms folded and my Thunderbird headstock isn’t diving for the floor. I’m so frickin’ cool.
This could be you. Well, if you order the Heads Up guitar strap, it could be you.
Many of us have experienced it. Some guitars just don’t balance well on a strap. Many very cool looking guitars have a strap button somewhere around the heel which makes them neck-heavy and, if you happen to take your fretting hand away (to put it in the air like you …

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[8 Feb 2010 | Comments Off on Woogie Board Electric Washboard Craziness | 29,774 views]
Woogie Board Electric Washboard Craziness

OK, so we’re stretching things slightly by posting an article with only a (very) tenuous guitar-related link but the Woogie Board is so brilliantly insane that we had to let you know about it.
It’s an electric washboard.  Crazy?  Or crazy like a stoat?
Nah, mainly crazy.  But cool.
Here’s some information from Saint Blues Guitar Workshop about the Woogie Board electric washboard…
MEMPHIS, Tenn. – February 8, 2010 – Saint Blues Guitar Workshop announced today the launch of the Woogie Board, the first production electric washboard in partnership with Cody Dickinson of the …

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[7 Feb 2010 | Comments Off on Rotosound Rotos Strings – Now Twice As Nice | 4,088 views]
Rotosound Rotos Strings – Now Twice As Nice

How do you make a good thing better?
By doubling it.
Rotosound are now offering their best-selling R9 and R10 Rotos nickel-on-steel guitar strings in twin set packaging.  Rotosound are calling these packs, Double Deckers.
By doing this, Rotosound can reduce packaging by around 70% compared to buying two separate packs of strings.  This means savings to you too.  If you buy your strings in a Double Decker pack you’ll get them up to 20% cheaper than two individual packs.
The new Double Decker packs are coded R9-2 and R10-2 and represent Rotosound’s Rotos …

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[28 Jan 2010 | Comments Off on Planet Waves Tru-Strobe Pedal Tuner | 4,273 views]
Planet Waves Tru-Strobe Pedal Tuner

Mostly because we think it looks pretty cool, let’s take a look at the newly released, Tru-Strobe Pedal Tuner from Planet Waves.
Housed in the die-cast, chunky pedal housing is an accurate tuner with strobe-goodness.  The difference between your signal and the perfectly tuned note is displayed as motion on the big, circular LCD display. When the segments stop moving around, you’re in tune to an accuracy of +/- 0.1 cent.
The unit features full bypass switching and can be calibrated from A400Hz to A499Hz.  The display is high contrast and is …

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[19 Jan 2010 | Comments Off on TC Electronic PolyTune PedalPolyphonic | 3,742 views]
TC Electronic PolyTune PedalPolyphonic

OK, so it looks like we may have been fooled, last week, by the very geeky Danish engineer demonstrating the prototype polyphonic tuner.  Still though, we don’t mind too much when we now have the actual, real-deal, polyphonic tuner in easy-peasy, handy, pedal format.
“What’s it all about?” you ask.
Well, simply put, forget about staring at your tuner picking a single string at a time.  Instead, just strum all your strings – open – and the frightfully clever gubbins inside the TC Electonic PolyTune will show you a picture of each …

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