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[8 May 2010 | Comments Off on Never Go Guitarless – How To Keep In Touch | 3,103 views]
Never Go Guitarless – How To Keep In Touch

For a couple of reasons, I recently had to surgically remove the Guitarless Facebook page.  It was a long and painful operation but I’ve now successfully grafted a new page on to the side of Facebook’s torso (I considered its forehead but felt it might get too much teasing at school).  Given the changes, I thought I’d take the opportunity to let you have a round-up of the various ways and means to keep in touch with Guitarless news.
News Feed:
First and foremost is the RSS News feed.  If you’ve no …

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[25 Dec 2009 | Comments Off on Ho Ho, And Of Course, Ho | 3,739 views]
Ho Ho, And Of Course, Ho

Just a short post.  Given the season, I just wanted to say a giant ‘thank you’ to all of you who have popped by over the last few months to read these ramblings.  An even more massive ‘thanks’ to those who have subscribed to our news feed or followed us on Twitter.  It is all very much appreciated.
Posting may be a little sporadic over the holiday period as I gorge myself on rich food and many beers but there’s a good chance something will slip through in occasional moments of …

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[11 Oct 2009 | Comments Off on Tweet Stuff, Win A Guitar | 2,347 views]
Tweet Stuff, Win A Guitar

Want to win one of these, rather spiffy-looking, Michael Kelly guitars?
Well Thirty Seconds To Mars, in association with Mr. Kelly are giving away a guitar a day for 30 days.  They started on 6th of October so a few have already gone.  Plenty left though.
All you need to do is use your Twitter to tweet a message.  That’s it.  Well, that and be drawn out of the virtual hat.
Ok, so you’ll effectively be prostituting yourself to advertise something that you may not even care about but look – shiny new …

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