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[16 Dec 2010 | Comments Off on PolyTune for iPhone Sale – Get Your Skates On | 7,247 views]
PolyTune for iPhone Sale – Get Your Skates On

The massive-noggined boffins at TC Electronics have just released an incremental version of PolyTune for iPhone.
You’ve probably all read about the PolyTune tuner pedal – the world’s first polyphonic tuner. Strum all strings together and the clever gubbins in the pedal shows the tuning situation of each of your six stings. You can easily tell if one or more strings is out of tune.
Not content with hammering all that cleverness into a stompbox, TC also ported it to the iPhone. And now, that app is at a 1.1 release. It’s …

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[19 Jan 2010 | Comments Off on TC Electronic PolyTune PedalPolyphonic | 3,669 views]
TC Electronic PolyTune PedalPolyphonic

OK, so it looks like we may have been fooled, last week, by the very geeky Danish engineer demonstrating the prototype polyphonic tuner.  Still though, we don’t mind too much when we now have the actual, real-deal, polyphonic tuner in easy-peasy, handy, pedal format.
“What’s it all about?” you ask.
Well, simply put, forget about staring at your tuner picking a single string at a time.  Instead, just strum all your strings – open – and the frightfully clever gubbins inside the TC Electonic PolyTune will show you a picture of each …

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