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Articles tagged with: stomp-box

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[7 Dec 2010 | Comments Off on Sanyo Bring The Juice – Battery Power For Your Effects | 7,771 views]
Sanyo Bring The Juice – Battery Power For Your Effects

So we all know that there’s never a 9V battery in your guitar case when you need it. Trailing sockets and extension leads do the trick but they do get in the way and there’s all those wall-warts and their associated knot of power cables to consider.
Sanyo reckon they have the answer. Pictured left* is the Pedal Juice (or KBC-9V3U Pedal Juice, to give it its catchy moniker). It’s a rechargeable, Lithium-Ion battery that provides 9V of clean, DC, power to your pedals. Neat.
Depending on use, it can supply up …

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[13 Nov 2009 | Comments Off on Drop The F-Bomb | 4,362 views]
Drop The F-Bomb

Over at Effects Bay, they’re giving away a stomp-box.
Check it out.  It’s the SubDecay F-Bomb fuzz pedal and you can win it.  To make the offer even more tempting, its a prototype pedal you’ll get.  The normal F-Bomb is in a green enclosure but this one, with a serial number of 0001, is splendidly colourful.
Want to read a bit about it?  Course you do.
SubDecay say (among other things):
The F-Bomb is for dirty filthy rock tone. Gear is not furniture or artifacts meant to be kept in a glass case. So …

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